1st-2nd Grade 

Classical Program

Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30 am – 2:30 pm

 $1200 minimum donation

Program Description

Students will begin the day with an opening devotion and continue with the following classes:

Catechesis & RecitationFollowing the Catechesis curriculum from Wittenberg Academy, this class will include a daily reading from the Bible and will focus on learning and reviewing weekly hymns, psalms, Bible verses, and Catechism selections. Using music and repetition, students will also memorize facts related to other academic subjects areas.

Phonics/Spelling/Handwriting – Students will learn and practice proper penmanship as they improve their skills through writing their recitation selections. They will be using the Memoria Press (MP) curriculum for phonics and spelling. Important - Students must be able to read at a first grade level or higher in order to enroll for classes. All first and second grade applicants will be given a reading assessment in order to determine their reading ability prior to acceptance into the program.

History/Geography – Using the Veritas Press history curriculum, students will pursue a chronological study of world history with a focus on the New Testament, Greece, and Rome. Students will use colorful and informative history cards to learn about 32 different events from this period of history, as they continually review a timeline memory song about the events. Additionally, students will read supplemental books, complete fun projects, and make use of a timeline and maps of the region.

At the Grammar Level, there is a great emphasis on memorizing names, dates, places, and events, which will help students gain a valuable tool for understanding how God is working today and what He has done during many past events.

Mathematics – Through games, timed worksheets, and math manipulatives, students will practice primary math skills including money values, time, addition and subtraction, as well as the foundations for multiplication and division. This class is meant to reinforce the student’s mathematics program at home.

Literature/Music – Students will develop their listening and comprehension skills through the reading and discussion of children’s classics. Additionally, they will listen to and discuss classical music selections. Students will also use simple rhythm instruments while learning traditional American folk songs and patriotic anthems.

Daily Schedule 


1st-2nd Grade Classical Classes

8:30-8:45 Morning Devotions

8:45-9:15 Catechesis & Recitation

9:15-10:00 History

10:00-10:45 Mathematics

10:45-11:00 Break

11:00-12:30 Phonics/Spelling/Cursive

12:30-1:00 Lunch/Recess

1:00-1:45 Music/Literature

1:45-2:30 Study Hall

Required Materials for First Grade:

Required Materials for Second Grade: