Code of Conduct

Logos Christian Ministries 

Student Code of Conduct

1.    Students are expected to respect their mentors and all others in authority in both words and actions.


2.    Students are expected to honor all other students in the program in both words and actions. They are to treat one another with kindness and respect. Bullying, teasing, criticizing, name-calling, and other forms of verbal or physical abuse are not acceptable behavior.


3.    Students are expected to treat prayer, devotions, Bible readings, and hymns with proper reverence. Behavior that exhibits disrespect towards God is not acceptable.


4.    Students are expected to treat all class materials and facilities with respect and care. Running is not allowed in the building.


5.    Students are expected to be aware of and avoid the off-limit areas of the building.


6.    Students are expected to come to class ready to learn and to participate appropriately. It is expected that students will work diligently, participate in class discussions, and concentrate on their work while in class.


7.    Students may not speak out of turn during class time and must raise their hand. Clowning around and other forms of disruptive class behavior are not acceptable.


8.    Students are expected to complete all homework assignments on time and to the best of their ability. Any missed work due to absences should be completed in a timely manner.


9.    Students must comply with the electronics policy in all respects.


10. Students must comply with the dress code in all respects.



Electronics Policy

In order to maintain a studious learning environment, free from unnecessary distractions, cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted for use by students at Logos Christian Ministries. Students bringing any of these devices will have them held by the classroom mentor to be given to the parent at pick-up time.


Special allowances may be made for class projects or presentations, which may require the use of an electronic device, and also for health reasons (e.g., blood sugar readings for diabetics).


Dress Code

By implementing a dress code, we hope to contribute to a disciplined and orderly atmosphere, which will give the students the greatest opportunity for success in their studies.

Generally speaking, students are expected to dress modestly. The students should be dressed in clothes that are suitable for a Christian, educational environment. Specific guidelines are listed below.

It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure that their children are dressed appropriately. Initial violations of the dress code will result in a warning. Students who exhibit repeated violations and disregard for the rules may be subject to suspension or, potentially, dismissal from the program.







Sick Child Policy

It is our desire to provide a healthy and safe environment for all of the children at Logos Christian Ministries. Parents are encouraged to be considerate of other children and our workers when deciding whether to place a child under our care. In general, children with the following symptoms should NOT be dropped off:

·       Fever, diarrhea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours;

·       Green or yellow runny nose;

·       Eye or skin infections; and/or

·       Other symptoms of communicable or infectious disease.

Children who are observed by our workers to be ill may be separated from other children and the parent or guardian may be contacted to request that the child be picked up for the day.